
Germany's Schaeuble Confident Slovakia Will Ratify EFSF

BERLIN (Dow Jones)--German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble remains confident that Slovakia will soon ratify Europe's temporary bailout fund, despite a rejection in that country's parliament Tuesday.
"We regret the outcome of the vote but remain confident that Slovakia will take the necessary steps leading to the enactment of the law in the coming days or weeks. After all, there is a majority for the law in the house," a spokesman for Schaeuble said Wednesday.
Slovakia's parliament Tuesday rejected a bill to expand the European Financial Stability Facility, casting doubt on whether all euro-zone governments would ratify the EFSF before a crucial European Union summit on Oct. 23 that is expected to focus on Europe's response to the widening euro-zone debt crisis.
It is widely expected that Slovakia will ultimately ratify the EFSF, but for now the bill is captive to national politics. Rejection of the bill caused the government to fall, but Slovakia's outgoing prime minister and her main rival have pledged to work together to pass the EFSF bill.

