
Runescape Random Events Guide

There are many different Random Events in Runescape. They were originally invented to help stop the cheaters. Their levels are reasonable to the player that they are after, and they give plenty of time to get away. However, if you are using a macro, you have little to no chance of life. That was their idea as a solution to the problem, but of course as everything else, it has grown into other things. You might still see the occasional Rock Golem, Tree Spirit, or River Troll , every once in awhile.Of course, now they have plain out Random runescape gold Events rather than just when you're using a skill. Some of the more common ones around Runescape are the frogs, the Freaky Forester, The Genie, The Sandwich Lady, and The Security Guard. There are a lot of different ones, but let's start with these.The frogs will give you different things, if your a man, you will get prince clothes and a frog's head (a mask), and if you are a woman you will get a princess outfit and a frog head mask. These can be gotten from the Varrok clothes shop using a frog coin. swtor credits For the Freaky Forester, simply do as he says and you will get some rather interesting clothes.The Genie is a simple talk and get event, its one of my personal favorites. He will give you a magic lamp, which you can rub and get experience, points in the skill of your choice.The Sandwich lady will offer you a specific sort of food, if you ignore her or pick the wrong one, you will be sent far away. Then of course, the Security Guard. I have seen loads of these, If you ignore him it will be a battle, runescape money if you answer to him he will give you a strong hold book, and maybe some sort of gift, personally I prefer the battle, usually I just get close to killing him then he disappears. The Drill Demon is a fun Runescape Random Event, he will give you a nice work out, and if you succeed, you will get some really cool army clothes. If you have the full outfit you will get coins. If you happen upon a Strange Plant and pick its Strange Fruit, you have a fruit that will give back 30% energy and even remove poison just like an Anti-poison swtor gold potion! If you don't pick the fruit, the plant will attack and poison you, the poison doing two damage per strike.You use to be able to fight with the Swarm of Bees, but now all you can do is stand there taking their easy hits of 1 and 2, or of course just walk away. Grab the evil twin is a very fun Random Event, where you have to use a claw to choose the twin of Molly. You only get two tries, so choose carefully! There are a lot more Random Events out there, like the rock that shoots out bubbles. If you keep mining it, the rock will blowup and your  picaxe will break. Alternatively, the Whirlpool on fishing. If you keep fishing, your equipment will be sucked underwater. I have found that Random Events are more likely to happen when you are doing something (mining, smithing, killing, and so on) then when you are just standing around. Of course, they do happen when you're just standing, but they happen to me a lot more when I am doing something. Good luck out there, if you happen to meet the Evil Chicken, I would suggest Protection from Magic, as it uses Magic - runescape-blog.com instead of meelee. Happy Playing!

