
Diablo 3 Strategy Guide

Welcome to my Diablo 3 Guide. I have been a long-time Diablo fan (Diablo 2 is by far my favorite game of all-time) and as a hardcore Diablo 3 player and I will be sharing all the tricks and tips with you on how to collect the best items, what the best builds are, and how each class plays. Diablo 3 Guide – Class Guides The cornerstone of this website is what all Diablo 3 players | cheapest d3 gold are looking for – class guides. Below, you can find links to our guides on each class, which covers everything from the best builds and runes for each ability to the best equipment for your character. You can find our D3 guides for each class below: •Diablo 3 Barbarian Guide •Diablo 3 Demon Hunter Guide •Diablo 3 Monk Guide •Diablo 3 | d3 gold for sale Witch Doctor Guide •Diablo 3 Wizard Guide I have now finished creating guides for each class in the game, so feel free to spend some time to compare the classes. Since the beta only ran to level 13, I have not been able to test out all the advanced skills and runes for each class. Once the game comes out, each class’s ability list will be finished | diablo 3 gold off to include the abilities and runes we do not have access to in the beta. Diablo 3 Strategy Guide – Class Balance I know that a lot of people when they first start out a game want to pick a good class. After all, you do not want to go all the way to level 60 and then start working on your gear only to see another class with worse gear is able to clear enemies three times guild wars 2 gold faster than you. Right now, I can tell you not to worry about picking which class is good or bad. All classes are pretty good in Diablo 3. It is not like Diablo 2 at all where some classes were far superior to one another. In Diablo 3, the standardization of weapon damage and stats has made it much easier to keep each class relatively equal when it comes to relative strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, buy guild wars 2 gold at least within the first 6 months of release before players get really geared out, the difficulty of the game is very high. No matter what class you play, you cannot recklessly charge into packs and blow them up with AoE attacks without even thinking like you could in Diablo 2. If you run into a pack of tough enemies in Inferno mode of Diablo 3 with that sort of attitude, you will find yourself dead pretty quickly. This means that you do not have to worry too much about class balance as they all are pretty good when monster difficulty becomes that high. I will update this D3 guide if that ever changes and one class seems particularly strong. Then again, if you are like me, you will have every class leveled up to the max and will be able to pick whichever one you feel like playing that day, regardless of strength!

