
Wizard Strengths and Weaknesses

In the beta, I would have to say the Wizard has no real weakness. It is simply good at everything. By level 13, the Electrocute spell can be used repeatedly, runescape gold chains to multiple targets, and take down any weak enemy in 1-2 hits.
For single targets, the Shock Pulse buy wow gold spell (also Academic so can be chain-casted) deals 150+ damage non-crit when all three pulses hit. This is comparable swtor credits to any other classes’ strongest hit, and since you can use it over and over again it becomes really good.
It should be noted that in the gw2 gold beta, no enemy seems to do too much damage, especially if you have a piece or two of gear with +Vitality. I would assume in higher acts that the Wizard will not rift platinum be able to tank so easily (at least without speccing and gearing for it – there are definitely melee Wizard active and passive skills). This would make standing on top d3 gold of a powerful enemy and using Shock Pulse over and over again much more difficult.
The only real “downside” is you have no point to use up all your Arcane Power, though I suspect as soon as we are able to unlock Hydra and some of the better Offensive spells that will change. Right now you are best off using Electrocute and Shock Pulse, both of which are Academic Spells.

