
Scott McGough on Writing the Charr 0

Scott McGough here, representing the Guild Wars 2 design writing team. I’ll be bringing you the latest dispatches from the farthest reaches of the charr empire, because someone has to prepare you for the thing I’m looking forward to most: the bad guys from Guild Wars becoming a fully playable race diablo 3 gold buy in Guild Wars 2.
Virtues and Vices
Our world designers and writers approach the charr with a certain amount of gusto. After all, it’s just plain fun to write for the bad guys, especially when you get to explore their point of view, in which they’re d3 power leveling the good guys. We know some people will feel a lingering resentment of the charr—probably because of that whole Searing thing—in addition to the gleeful anticipation of getting inside their fur, so our guiding principle for writing them has been to delve diablo 3 items into some of the unexplored charr virtues (industry, discipline, fearlessness) along with their well known vices (aggression, bloodthirst, and ruthlessness). Balancing the admirable traits with the fearsome ones allows us to present a more complete picture of charr society without negating gw2 gold or retconning their violent history.
Virtues and Vices
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Winning Ugly is Still Winning
Things have gone relatively well for our nation of belligerent feline antagonists since we last saw them. After Kalla Scorchrazor’s rebellion broke the power of the Flame Legion shamans, buy gw2 gold the Iron, Ash, and Blood Legions reestablished their dominance and led the charr people on a remarkable series of victories. By the start of Guild Wars 2, the charr have almost completely pushed humanity out of what was once Ascalon, successfully built a capital city stronghold on the ruins of Rin, and solidified their grip on their holdings while also expanding ever-outward into new territory. This should come as no surprise, as victory has been a touchstone for everything the charr do. Both as individuals and as a society, they still care far less about the means than they do the ends, especially when the end is winning.
Winning Ugly…
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